Tutorial 5: Parallelization

import homelette as hm

import time


Welcome to the fifth tutorial on homelette. This tutorial is about parallelization in homelette. When modelling hundreds or thousands of models, some processes can be significantly sped up by dividing the workload on multiple processes in parallel (supported by appropriate hardware).

There are possibilities to parallelize both model generation and evaluation in homelette.

Alignment and Task setup

For this tutorial, we are using the same alignment as in Tutorial 1. Identical to previous tutorials, the alignment is imported and annotated, and a Task object is set up.

# read in the alignment
aln = hm.Alignment('data/single/aln_1.fasta_aln')

# annotate the alignment
    seq_type = 'sequence')
    seq_type = 'structure',
    pdb_code = '3NY5',
    begin_res = '1',
    begin_chain = 'A',
    end_res = '81',
    end_chain = 'A')

# initialize task object
t = hm.Task(
    task_name = 'Tutorial5',
    target = 'ARAF',
    alignment = aln,
    overwrite = True)

Parallel model generation

When trying to parallelize model generation, homelette makes use of the parallelization methods implemented in the packages that homelette uses, if they are available. Model generation with modeller can be parallized and is available in homelette through a simple handler [1,2].

All modeller based, pre-implemented routines have the argument n_threads which can be used to use parallelization. The default is n_threads = 1 which does not activate parallelization, but any number > 1 will distribute the workload on the number of threads requested using the modeller.parallel submodule.

# use only 1 thread to generate 20 models
start = time.perf_counter()
    tag = '1_thread',
    routine = hm.routines.Routine_automodel_default,
    templates = ['3NY5'],
    template_location = './data/single/',
    n_models = 20)
print(f'Elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f}')
Elapsed time: 47.84
# use 4 threads to generate 20 models faster
start  = time.perf_counter()
    tag = '4_threads',
    routine = hm.routines.Routine_automodel_default,
    templates = ['3NY5'],
    template_location = './data/single/',
    n_models = 20,
    n_threads = 4)
print(f'Elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f}')
Elapsed time: 15.44

Using multiple threads can significantly speed up model generation, especially if a large number of models is generated.


Please be aware that the modeller.parallel submodule uses the Python module pickle, which requires objects to be pickled to be saved in a separate file. In practical terms, if you want to run parallelization in modeller with a custom object (i.e. a custom defined routine, see Tutorial 4), you cannot make use of parallelization unless you have imported it from a separate file. Therefore we recommend that custom routines and evaluation are saved in a separate file and then imported from there.

The following code block shows how custom building blocks could be put in an external file (data/extension.py) and then imported for modelling and analysis.

# import from custom file
from data.extension import Custom_Routine, Custom_Evaluation

Init signature: Custom_Routine()
Docstring:      Custom routine waiting to be implemented.
File:           ~/workdir/data/extension.py
Type:           type
!cat data/extension.py
Examples of custom objects for homelette in a external file.

class Custom_Routine():
    Custom routine waiting to be implemented.
    def __init__(self):
        print('TODO: implement this')

class Custom_Evaluation():
    Custom evaluation waiting to be implemented.
    def __init__(self):
        print('TODO: implement this')

Alternatively, you could use the /homelette/extension/ folder in which extensions are stored. See our comments on extensions in our documentation for more details.

Parallel model evaluation

homelette can also use parallelization to speed up model evaluation. This is internally archieved by using concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor.

In order to use parallelization when performing evaluations, use the n_threads argument in Task.evaluate_models.

# use 1 thread for model evaluation
start  = time.perf_counter()
t.evaluate_models(hm.evaluation.Evaluation_mol_probity, n_threads=1)
print(f'Elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f}')
Elapsed time: 468.37
# use 4 threads for model evaluation
start  = time.perf_counter()
t.evaluate_models(hm.evaluation.Evaluation_mol_probity, n_threads=4)
print(f'Elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f}')
Elapsed time: 128.37

For some evaluation schemes, using parallelization can lead to a significant speedup.


Please be advised that for some (very fast) evaluation methods, the time investment of spawning new child processes might not compensate for the speedup gained by parallelization. Test your usecase on your system in a small setting and use at your own discretion.

# use 1 thread for model evaluation
start  = time.perf_counter()
t.evaluate_models(hm.evaluation.Evaluation_dope, n_threads=1)
print(f'Elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f}')
Elapsed time: 10.34
# use 4 threads for model evaluation
start  = time.perf_counter()
t.evaluate_models(hm.evaluation.Evaluation_dope, n_threads=4)
print(f'Elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f}')
Elapsed time: 15.95


When creating and using custom evaluation metrics, please make sure to avoid race conditions. Task.evaluate_models is implemented with a protection against race conditions, but this is not bulletproof. Also, if you need to create temporary files, make sure to create file names with model-specific names (i.e. by using the model name in the file name). Defining custom evaluations in a separate file is not necessary, as parallelization of evaluation methods does not rely on pickle.


In case some custom evaluation metrics are very memory-demanding, running it in parallel can easily overwhelm the system. Again, we encourage you to test your usecase on your system in a small setting.

Further reading

Congratulation on completing Tutorial 5 about parallelization in homelette. Please note that there are other tutorials, which will teach you more about how to use homelette:

  • Tutorial 1: Learn about the basics of homelette.

  • Tutorial 2: Learn more about already implemented routines for homology modelling.

  • Tutorial 3: Learn about the evaluation metrics available with homelette.

  • Tutorial 4: Learn about extending homelette’s functionality by defining your own modelling routines and evaluation metrics.

  • Tutorial 6: Learn about modelling protein complexes.

  • Tutorial 7: Learn about assembling custom pipelines.

  • Tutorial 8: Learn about automated template identification, alignment generation and template processing.


[1] Šali, A., & Blundell, T. L. (1993). Comparative protein modelling by satisfaction of spatial restraints. Journal of Molecular Biology, 234(3), 779–815. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmbi.1993.1626

[2] Webb, B., & Sali, A. (2016). Comparative Protein Structure Modeling Using MODELLER. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, 54(1), 5.6.1-5.6.37. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpbi.3

Session Info

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Python 3.8.10 (default, Nov 14 2022, 12:59:47) [GCC 9.4.0]
Session information updated at 2023-03-15 23:56