homelette Extensions

Extensions are homology modelling building blocks (model generation, model evaluation) that are developed by users and expand the homelette interface. homelette can and should be extended by custom Routines and Evaluations. We strongly encourage users to share extensions they themselves found useful with the community.

Using Extensions

Extensions are placed in the extension folder in the homelette package. The extension folder on your device can be found in the following way:

import homelette.extension as ext

After an extension has been placed in the extension folder, it can be used as such:

import homelette.extension.your_extension as ext_1

Submitting Extensions

Please contact us with a Pull Request on GitHub or via Email (philipp.junk@ucdconnect.ie) if you want to share your extension! Please make sure your extension is sufficiently annotated for others to use, in particular mentioning dependencies or other requirements.

Existing Extensions

The following extensions have already been implemented. They should be already included in the latest version of homelette. If not, they are available from our GitHub page.